
入院告知及温馨提示(Warm Tips for Admission)


Dear friends, welcome to our hospital. In order to provide you a safe, clean and comfortable setting, here are some hospitalization regulations and warm tips for you. Your cooperation is our appreciation.

1. 请妥善保管好您的贵重物品及钱款,请把贵重物品存放于保险箱内,初始密码是123,以免造成不必要的损失。请妥善保管好您房门钥匙,离开房间,请您随时锁门,出院时请归还房间钥匙。

Please take good care of your valuables and money which you can keep in the safe to avoid the unnecessary losses . The initial password is 123. In addition, please keep your room key well, when leaving the room, lock the door. Return the room key when discharged.

2. 病人离开房间在医院内活动,要告知护士您的去向;如果您因吃饭或购物等原因要离开医院,需告知护士,征得医生的同意并在护士站填写请假单。

Please inform the nurse of within-hospital activity when you leave your room, so is it when it comes to eating-out or shopping, etc. Please get the doctor’s permission and finish filling the leave form at the nurse station when you leave the hospital.

3. 通常医生查房时间为上午9:00——11:00,治疗时间为8:30—12:00,请不要错过查房及治疗时间。

The usual doctors’ round is 9:00 am –11:00am, treatment time is 8:30 am –12:00 pm. Please stay well and do not miss either.

4. 病房是中央供氧系统,为了您和他人的安全,禁止在房间内用自带电器如电炒锅、电磁炉进行烹饪活动。

Central oxygen supply system is set in every room, any cooking with appliance of your own such as cookers is forbidden in the room regarding the safety of you and others.

5. 在您住院期间,我们给您及您的家人提供免费的洗衣服务。请您将要清洗的衣服及毛巾在8:00前放入卫生间内收衣篓内,工作人员将在8:30之前为您收洗。

During your hospitalization, free laundry service is provided. Please put your clothes and towels into the clothing collection basket before 8:00 am. Laundry workers will collect it before 8:30 am.

6. 您的床头配有呼叫铃,任何时候需要护士或医生的帮助,请按呼叫铃;卫生间内配有紧急呼叫铃,如您在卫生间发生摔倒或其他意外,请按紧急呼叫铃。

There is a bedside calling bell. Please ring it any time you need the nurse or the doctor. An emergency bell is set in every bathroom, and please ring the bell when you fall or other accidence happens.

7. 卫生间24小时供应热水,淋浴时请先开冷水再开热水,以免烫伤。请勿赤脚进入卫生间,以防滑倒。

24-hour hot water is provide in the bathroom. To avoid scald, please turn on the cold water and then the hot water. To prevent slipping, do not enter the bathroom with bared foot.

8. 晚上请不要锁门,方便护士巡房。

Please do not lock the door for the convenience of nurses’ round.

9. 医院提供订餐服务,订餐时间为:8:00—11:30,15:00—17:00,订餐


Hospital provides catering service, ordering time: 8:0—11:30, 15:00—17:00, TEL: 5316. Please dial 5316 by the bedside telephone or tell the nurse if you want to order.

10. 起床时先坐会儿,无头晕方可行走,防止跌倒。年老体弱如没有陪护人员,起床或上卫间时请呼叫护士帮助。睡觉时请您及时用上床档以防睡眠时跌床。

Seat for a while when you get up, you can walk when you don’t feel dizzy. For the aged and the weak without any companions, please call the nurses when getting up or going to the bathroom. Please put up the set of side rails to avoid falling down when sleeping.

11. 医院四楼有空中花园,方便您休息时小憩。5楼及7楼配有公用厨房,里面配有各种炒菜做饭设施。医院对面过马路有菜市。医院附近有较大生活超市;如您需充话费、买充值卡等服务可告知护士或翻译。

There is a hanging garden on the 4th floor that you can enjoy during your leisure time. Public kitchens are set on the 5th and 7th floor, where all kinds of cooking appliances are provided. There is a food market across the hospital. There are some super-markets near the hospital. And if you need to load money for your cell phone or buy prepaid cards, please inform the nurse or the interpreter.


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