
Notice of Reservation

Dear friends:

Our hospital specially develops services of free reservation for outpatient and priority treatment in order to reduce your registration and waiting time. The introduction of reservation notice is as follows:

methods of outpatient reservation:

Telephone reservation: 020-22221111

QQ online reservation: 2623547931

Online reservation: a. hospital website:

                                                        b. telephone station website:

On-site reservation: 42, Lianquan Rd., Guangyuan E. Rd., Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, registration on the first floor of Modern Hospital Guangzhou

WeChat reservation: scan QR code of Modern Hospital Guangzhou, enter service number of the hospital, click follow, “online service – telephone reservation and reservation for registration”

Priority servicer for reservation

Patient can come to hospital according to the reservation number, reducing the waiting time.

Scan QR code to know more:
